For the first time, the tiny male of a bizarre species of octopus, which carries a slew of stinging weapons and is 100 times smaller than its females, has been captured alive by Australian scientists off the Great Barrier Reef.
The find was made by a group of scientists from the universities of Melbourne, Tasmania and Leeds, during a 'blackwater hang' - a night dive suspended in deep water. The discovery is described in the latest issue of the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research.
"You always hope you might bump into something like this," said Dr Mark Norman, an honorary fellow at the department of zoology at the University of Melbourne. "The chance is infinitesimally small."
Dead males have been found in trawls and plankton nets before, but this is the first time a live one has been seen. Known as the blanket octopus, or Tremoctopus violaceus Chiaie, it spends its entire life cycle in the open ocean, so either sex is rarely encountered.
"We know so little about the sea," Norman told ABC Science Online. "These are one of those almost mythical creatures of the sea. For us, it's as exciting as swimming with a giant squid."
While other octopus species also have size differences between the sexes - known as sexual size-dimorphism - the blanket octopus is the most extreme example known. The male specimen discovered is 2.4 cm long, weighing just 0.25 kg. Mature females have been measured at 2 m in length, weighing about 10 kg.
The male seems to have adapted to his small size, having a comparatively large eye which could help in locating females. Being small may also mean that they take less time to mature.
But for the male, sex is a one-off and probably fatal affair. They allocate one of their arms to reproduction, keeping it in a pouch in the centre of their tentacles. When they mate, the pouch ruptures, sperm is injected into the tip of the modified arm, which is then severed and passed to the female.
Thereafter, the male then almost certainly dies, while his detached arm remains in the female's mantle cavity until it is used to fertilise her eggs. Females are often found with several arms in their cavity, indicating competition amongst males.
The scientists have never found a dead male with a new arm, suggesting that they die after mating. Other octopuses are known to be able to drop off their arms as decoys to predators, in the same way that some lizards lose their tails. Arms tend to grow back in six to eight weeks.
But the blanket octopus' kamikaze approach to fertilisation - shedding an arm that keeps living when the rest of the animal dies - is only found in a couple of other octopuses, said Norman. "It looks like the arms do live for a long time [inside] the females."
The small size of the male may be an adaptation for self protection. Male and immature female blanket octopuses arm themselves with weapons snatched from competitors, taking stinging tentacles from the Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish and holding them in the suckers of two pairs of their upper arms - like a gunslinger with a pair of revolvers.
When threatened, they pull their arms over their bodies and expose the stinging tentacles.
But this only works if the octopus is small and would probably not be enough to protect a large mature female: no female longer than 7 cm has been observed to carry the tentacles. Scientists speculate that the bigger suckers in the mature animal may not be able to hold the tentacles without stinging themselves.
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